Module 0: Intro to Research Software Development.
This module will introduce you to tools and good practices to keep
your projects organized, effectively collaborate with others and shape
your code so that is easy to share, read and reuse.
This module is based on material from The Carpentries, where you can find
a lot of free, open source and high quality material on software
development and data science.
Get started with the module here:
Module content:
- Tracking changes:
git add
git commit
- Exploring history, checking out older versions
- Ignoring things with .gitignore files
- Github remotes
- Creating pull requests
- Review process
- Good practices for collaboration
Module 1: Neural data handling and preprocessing
In this module you’ll get acquainted with some of the most used
neural recording techniques. You will learn how to read, preprocess and
start analyizing data from these different modalities.
Get started with the module here:
Module content:
- Introduction to the local field potential
- Fourier analysis and power spectrum
- Signal filtering
- Introduction to time-frequency analysis
- Wavelet transform and spectrograms
- Introduction to calcium imaging and CaImAn
- Data loading and summary images
- Motion correction
- Source extraction with Constrained Non-negative Matrix
Module 2: Single cell analysis
In this module you will learn some analysis techniques to describe
the activity of individual neurons, its statistics and its relationship
to behavioural variables.
Get started with the module here:
Module content:
- Visualization techniques for the response of a neuron
- Raster plots and Peri-timulus Time Histograms (PSTH)
- Tuning curves
- Visualizing hippocampal place cells
- Measuring spatial information
- The timulus-response function
- Linear and non-linear stages of GLMs
- Linear Gaussian models
- Linear-Nonlinear Poisson models
Module 3: Population methods
In this module you will learn how to analyize the collective
behaviour of a population of neurons and how to decode external stimuli
from neural activity.
Get started with the module here:
Module content:
- Introduction to bayesian decoding with poisson neurons
- Decoding position on a linear track
- Decoding during sleep
- Analysis of seuqential reactivations during sleep
- Support Vector Machines and linear separability of data
- Decoding stimulus identity from neural activity
- Cross validation techniques
- Assessing significance with surrogate data
- Principal component analysis (PCA)
- Discovering collective modes of acrtivity in the cortex
- Clustering: K-means and DBSCAN
- Discovering co-active assemblies with clustering methods